It was a cocky Gary "GG" Graves talking tough after last night's TNH hazing at the McCormick Ice Palace.
Fellow rookie Kyle "nick name pending" Marancos, a close friend of Crossover Boy Bruce Bugden seemed equally disappointed: "where's the friggin' honey?" Bugden had promised the new rookie a pretty exciting evening in Parkdale. Marancos was in tears when he found out there was no Billy Bee to be found.
After promising the traditional "honey & blades" for this year's hazing, Commissioner Chasse decided to go easy on the two new rookies.
"It's hardly a hazing ritual if only two of the rookies show up now is it? Why the hell should I break out the blades?"
Mysteriously absent from last night's action were the Oakville rookie connection: Millar and Laton. Did veteran Livesay warn his new recruits?
There was no need LL, the government did the work for you.
Facing extreme criticism from the Human Rights commission, Chasse was forced to scale back on the hazing event, choosing a much more friendly approach to this years proceedings. Instead of the standard shave with a honey chaser - the event consisted of a balloon toss, a TNH trivia contest, and a Greco Roman wrestling event in the parking lot.
Graves and Marancos battled to a bloodless tie.
"Man, do these guys ever tap out fast" said a disappointed Captain Carter.
If that was a disappointment, how about the costume contest? Only two players showed up in suitable regalia: Brett "Breakaway Boy" Christen chose the guise of a "sensitive, pass oriented hockey player" and Peter Balyk dressed up as "Pumpkinhead". When all was said and done, it was the doctor that took home the keys to the new Infiniti for his recreation of Pumpkin Head on skates.

"People were thinking I was going to go for Lecter, but I thought that was a little too obvious. Pumpkinhead has always been an inspiration to me" said Dr. Balyk after the event.
Despite wearing the heavy mask during the game, Balyk managed to score two goals in a losing effort.
"Just wait till I take this thing off next week."
Christen to his credit scored 4, or was it 5 goals?
"I try to stop counting at 3" said Christen in his new sensitive role "I like to focus on how well my teammates do and not let my prowess get in the way."
Lets see how long that lasts. Play resumes next week.